Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A day in the Park

:My Art work Shows Movement.
The models are moved to as if they are coming out of a picnic basket on to a blanket. Ants are on the blanket as well. This was an Interesting piece i had fun with.


  1. There's a lot to look at here. There is a good amount of pattern that keeps this painting interesting. I would outline the people with black so that they pop more. I'm assuming the people are your focus.

  2. My favourite part of this piece would have to be the background pattern. The gold leaf and the red checkerboard pattern really work well together. Like Rebecca said, I think if you had outlined the people in black they would have popped out more, but it is still a very good piece.

  3. I think the final touch on this piece was your background, you had a lot of negative space and you did something really awesome and creative with it! Including both the them of the piece and the gold leaf.
